Statistical methods in forensic genetics


We statistically assess the value of DNA as forensic evidence in a legal context.

We develop methods and software for forensic genetics. Our main objective is to understand the genetic kinship of two or more DNA samples, for example in paternity cases and disaster victim identification. Our available software includes FamiliasFamLink and FamLinkX


Familias software:

Internationally, this is the most widely used software to solve genetic kinship problems. Examples of such kinship problems include paternity cases, disaster victim identification and family reunion cases. 

A key family reunion project we worked on was the “Missing Grandchildren of Argentina”, which was covered by the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK). For more information, check out their story "Barnebarnet som ble stjålet" and podcast (both in Norwegian). The methods used are described in the book “Relationship Inference with Familias and R”, by the developers Egeland, Kling (currently responsible for newer versions of the software) and Mostad.  

The European Forensic Genetics Network of Excellence (Euroforgen-NoE):

A main objective of this EU project was to develop a network of leading groups in European forensic genetic research. The network established had 16 partners, including NMBU, and spanned nine countries. Although the project is finished, the cooperation within the network continues and expands to this day.


Key Collaborators


Published - Updated
