New CERAD-director: Deborah Oughton

By Cathrine Glosli

Deborah Oughton is the new director of CERAD
Deborah Oughton is the new director of CERADPhoto: Håkon Sparre

Professor Deborah Oughton started as new director for NMBU's Norwegian Centre of Excellence, CERAD, the 1st of February 2020. She sees a bright future and many new and interesting research questions for the centre.

Professor Deborah Oughton is new director for CERAD - The Centre for Environmental Radioactivity, Norwegian Centres of Excellence (CoE/SFF). Se is professor in radio chemistry/environmental chemistry at NMBU, and has been research director at the centre since its very beginning.

"My vision is that CERAD continues to the leading Norwegian research center on the effects of radioactivity in the environment and a key player in international research," Oughton says.

Extensive experience

Oughton har lang forskningserfaring og har vært medvirkende på 15 EU-projects the last 20 years.

In her research, she has focused on radioecology and environmental pollution, including projects involving nuclear risk and nanoparticles.
In parallel with her scientific research, she has worked extensively on the social and ethical aspects associated with radiation risk, including the effects of the Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents.


About professor Oughton:

Director for CERAD and professor in radio chemistry/environmental chemistray at NMBU. Professor II at University of Oslo. She was member of the National Committee for Research Ethics in Science and Technology in the period 2006-2014, and co-chair since 2010.

She is currently member of UNESCO's The World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST), and coordinates the work on societal impacts for IAEA's Fukushima Task Group. She is a member of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and represents them in ALLEA's permanent working group on science and ethics.

Published - Updated
