PPFO100 Personal Development

Credits (ECTS):5

Course responsible:Knut Omholt

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk

Limits of class size:20

Course frequency:Annually.

Nominal workload:A total of 125 hours. 48 hours of structured teaching. 77 hours self-effort for self-study, work with exercises and writing of essay / assignment.

Teaching and exam period:The course starts in the autumn parallel. The course has teaching and assessment in the autumn parallel.

About this course

The course will contribute to the participants' personal development. We will take as our starting point topics that are relevant to life as a student and further into the profession, such as making important choices, searching for identity and self-image, developing relationships with others and with the physical environment, and finding context in life. The questions we address will be elucidated with theories and concepts from the professional literature and with motifs from the arts. The purpose is for the participants to be able to influence factors that are important for their mental state and personal growth. An important skill to have is to be able to stay in your center when you are exposed to stress. We will work with exercises based on movement, meditation, focusing, visual expressions, inner dialogue, and writing to process experiences. In this way, the course will also contribute to competence to be able to stand steadily in meeting other people in challenging mental situations, for example as a mentor, supervisor, colleague or in other roles where one is to assist people.

Learning outcome


The candidate

- knows and can describe essential theories and perspectives on factors that can contribute to personal development.


The candidate

- can reflect on the forces that apply in situations where one must make an important choice

- can reflect on factors that affect one's identity and self-image and one's relationships with other people and the physical surroundings

- can find sources that can put one's situation and life into a larger context

- can use methods to keep calm in situations that challenge one's presence.

General competence

The candidate

- can accommodate other people's sharing of experiences and share their own life experiences

- can take the initiative to communicate with others about matters that may affect important choices in life

- can find ways for further personal development.

  • Lectures on key theories and perspectives on what personal development is and what forms the basis for it, with conversations and group work. Exercises in raising awareness of one's mental state and development through meditation, sensing the body, focusing, visual expressions, inner dialogues and writing.
  • Guidance will be given in writing the essay that forms the assessment basis in the course.
  • None.
  • Individual written assignment in the form of an essay on one's development through the course - Pass/Fail.

    In order to submit the exam paper, the student must have been present 80% of the teaching time.

    Written assignment Grading: Passed / Not Passed
  • An external examiner approves the assessment plan and participates in the censorship of all the assignments.
  • Participation in 80% of the teaching. If a participant has more than 20% absence, they cannot submit an exam paper.
  • 20 hours lecture with conversations and group work. 28 hours exercises. A total of 48 hours.
  • Registration with motivation letter to the course coordinator. The motivation letter should be approx. 250-300 words and say something about the applicant's personal reason for taking the course, what it can contribute to one's development, preferably also a few words about how one intends to use the competence one gets further. Besides name - state age, field of study and year level. If more people sign up than the maximum number, participants will be drawn according to criteria that are determined.
  • GSK