GMLM210 Applied Geomatics

Credits (ECTS):10

Course responsible:Jon Glenn Omholt Gjevestad

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk

Limits of class size:30

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:250 hours

Teaching and exam period:This course starts in the August block. This course has teaching/evaluation in the August block and the Autumn parallel.

About this course

Modern surveying plays a decisive role in modern society by contributing to a more efficient and sustainable management of land and resources. In this field course you will learn: planning, reconnaissance and execution of geodetic measurements.

After the data collection, you work in groups with analysis and calculation based on your own observations. The results are documented through methods such as: outlier detection, testing of existing reference frames and reliability analysis in relation to the geodata standard.

Learning outcome

Master the planning, field work and analysis of geodetic measurements. There will be great emphasis on quality assurance and connections to relevant standards.
  • All learning activities in this course are done in groups. First part consists fieldwork and data collection based on general methods in land surveying. Second part consists of analysis and processing of own observations. The work is presented as groupwise reports and a presentation.
  • Teaching support will primarily be given in connection with the part of the structured teaching that is set aside for exercise guidance. It will also be possible to communicate directly with the course teacher by appointment during office hours.
  • GMPE240, GMGD200
  • Oral exam. Groupwise presentation of project report. Grading A-F.

    Oral exam Grading: Letter grades
  • External examiner evaluates all project reports and presentations.
  • Field course
  • Field exercises: 60 hours. Exercises computer lab: 80 hours.
  • Ranking:

    1. students who have the course as mandatory in their study plan

    2. students on the following study programmes: M-GEOM and B-GEOM

    3. students with most ECTS credits

    It there are not enough slots in group one the students will be ranked by their ECTS credits.

    Students taking the course for the first time have priority.

  • Special requirements in Science