FYS377 Digital Electrical Power Systems

Credits (ECTS):10

Course responsible:Ruth Heidi Samuelsen Nygård

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Engelsk

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:250 hours

Teaching and exam period:Autumn parallell

About this course

Our electric power systems face major restructuring. Firstly, power systems must adapt to a carbon-free world; Secondly, digitisation and smart grids are becoming central elements of modern power systems. One challenge is that a larger part of the electricity will be generated in distributed intermittent renewables within systems designed for centralised power generation. Simultaneously, power systems must be able to handle heavy sources and sinks of electric power by expanding and building HVDC cables to neighbouring countries. Norwegian solar and wind resources increase just as nuclear power is being phased out in Sweden. Well-functioning electric power exchange are key to switching to an environmentally friendly society. The course will provide a deeper insight into and understanding of complex power systems. It will also provide insight into how ICT and computer sciences are used to plan, monitor, manage, and maintain tomorrow's power system. The course highlights how modern IT technology can be used in existing power systems which are undergoing considerable changes in terms of generation, transfer, and consumption of electrical power.

Learning outcome

Get a basic understanding of the future digital European electric power system:

  • Introduction to electric power grids and power systems, requirements for power systems.
  • Load from a system perspective. Consumption and power tariffs, load profiles, and duration curves.
  • Power systems’ infrastructure - Overhead lines, cables, stations, plant management, real-time monitoring, and risk analysis.
  • Basic transformer theory. Equivalent circuits for real transformers and per-unit system.
  • Modelling of transmission lines. Two-port network and ABCD parameters. Approaches for short and medium lines. Differential equations for long transmission lines.
  • Power flow analysis. Python-based solutions of linear algebraic equations (Gaussian elimination, Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel) and iterative solutions of nonlinear algebraic equations with Newton-Raphson.
  • Political framework for the current power system, reasons for changes, more renewable energy, changes in production and consumption (e.g. electrical vehicles).
  • Grid planning - N-1 criterion, probabilistic methods. Norway's power system in a European perspective.
  • European electricity price markets. Day-ahead market, intraday markets, reserve markets.
  • Challenges and trends in the current power system, power system balance, frequency quality, stability analysis, power reserve in rotating masses.
  • Lectures 13 weeks, 2 x 2 hours per week. Exercise sessions 13 weeks, 1 x 2 hours per week

    1-2 excursions to e.g. transformer stations, operating centrals for energy supply.

  • Canvas
  • FYS101, FYS102, FYS230, MATH111, MATH112, MATH113,
  • 3.5 h written (60%) + scientific report (40%). You need to pass both parts to pass the course.

    Written exam Grading: Letter grades Permitted aids: C1 All types of calculators, other aids as specified
  • The external and internal examiner jointly prepare the exam questions and the correction manual. The external examiner reviews the internal examiner's examination results by correcting a random sample of candidate's exams as a calibration according to the Department's guidelines for examination markings.
  • The course will be taught in English fall 2024
  • Lectures: 13 weeks. 4 hours per week = 52 hours

    Weecly exercises: 13 weeks. 2 hours per week = 26 hours

  • Realfag