LAA231 Sustainable Open Space Management – The Landscape Planner as influencer

Credits (ECTS):10

Course responsible:Claudia Fongar, Nina Berre

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk

Limits of class size:- Max 35

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:250 hours

Teaching and exam period:This course starts ans ends in Spring parallel. There will be arranged a field trip in August Block or May/June, as part of the LING bachelor programme.

About this course

Lectures, group work, individual work, literature study and one field trip

Learning outcome

The subject aims to develop independent judgment and broad understanding regarding knowledge of:

- open space management systems in a Norwegian context, including the development of political and administrative system

- the different organizational structures and functions of open space management in municipalities

- The principles of management as strategic actors and governance arrangements

- Participation in public debate

General competencies:

Self-obtain new knowledge and acquire new skills relevant to open space management.

Should have knowledge of magazines and other channels that presents new knowledge on open space management as well as contribute as a professional voice

Critically reviewing their own work and having the ability to reflect on arguments and other perspectives obtained under the guidance of teachers and fellow students.

How to use her voice internally and in the public realm

  • The learning methods are mainly problem-based with starting point in an example organisation with a diversity of public and private players in the management field. There will be emphasis on cooperation between the students, the course teachers and external resource persons. Project work, in group and individually, is an important part of the course. Litterature seminar The course should give a knowledge base for - independent evaluations - academic and organisational challenges and solutions in the green space and landscape management of urban and semi-urban green areas - interaction between the private and the public - evaluation of principles and programmes for the management - restructuring of existing green spaces in order to optimise management considerations - organisation and tasks for joint green space management in small and medium-sized municipalities.
  • Plenary tutoring and tutoring for individual groups. Individual question that is addressed to course coordinator of general interest will be answered in Canvas.
  • Approved first year of study programs Landscape Engineer / Landscape Architecture, accredited bachelor\´s degree in plant science or equivalent from another institution
  • Submission of a final team-based project t assignment .

    Assignment Grading: Letter grades
  • External examiner participates in the formulation of assignment questions and in the final presentation and evaluation of submitted assignments in Canvas.
  • Mandatory

    1. Being present at the first meeting on the first day of teaching

    2. Participation at all review days

    3. Participation on field trips

    4. Complete delivery of all tasks (individual and group tasks, writing of an individual artikkel and e-teaching course certificate)

    All deliveries have to be on time and approved. The course has to be taken in its entirety if not completed.

  • .
  • Lectures, inspections, supervision.

    4-6 hours schedule secured pr. week. Lectures, etc .: +/- 50 hours.

    Fieldtrip: 10 hours

    Tutoring: 5 hours.

    Reviews: 20 hours.

    In addition to participation in the structured time, remaining hours are for own studies

  • B-LI, M-LA, M-PV green environmnet
  • Minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway (generell studiekompetanse)