KBM411 Poster at Conference

Credits (ECTS):1

Course responsible:Torgeir Rhodén Hvidsten

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Engelsk

Course frequency:Spring and autumn parallell

Nominal workload:

25 hours

Individual work: 20 hours, supervision: 5 hours

Teaching and exam period:Continuous teaching and assessment

About this course

Presenting a poster at a scientific conference with more than 50 participants

Learning outcome

After completion, the PhD-candidate has demonstrated ability to present own scientific work on a poster and in a poster session for a larger conference audience.

The candidate will learn to

  • Present own results in a poster-format
  • Edit and shorten long texts without losing content
  • Become comfortable with editorial presentation programs
  • Explain and discuss the poster with a variable audience of passing-by unknown scientists and be able to improvise and hypothesize
  • To prepare and present a scientific poster based on one's own research at a conference.
  • The PhD candidate's supervisor(s)
  • The poster and documentation for attendance (or the presenterlist) from the conference is uploaded to the PhD-studentens shared PhD-folder.

    Passed / failed

    Assignment Grading: Passed / Not Passed
  • External examiner approves the arrangement of the course and the assessment system
  • Admission to the PhD.-programme Life and Food Sciences at KBM