HFX255 Dairy and Beef Production

Credits (ECTS):10

Course responsible:Margrete Eknæs

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk

Course frequency:Annual

Teaching and exam period:The course starts in the spring parallel. The course has teaching / assessment in the spring parallel.

About this course

The course deals with cattle milk and meat production under Norwegian conditions, where focus is on factors influencing quantity and quality of milk and beef, management and mechanization, economy, sustainability and resource use.

The main parts will consist of a) dimension, structure and economic importance of milk- and beef production in Norway, b) milk synthesis and factors affecting milk yield and chemical composition of milk, c) milk quality and assessment of milk quality, d) udder health and fertility, e) growth and development of fattening animals, f) carcass and meat quality, g) feed resources, feed evaluation and feed requirements in milk and beef production, h) factors influencing feed intake and feed efficiency and feeding strategies in milk and beef production, i) principles of feed planning and feed optimization, including economy, in cattle production, j) feeding and management of a dairy cow during lactation and gestation k) mechanization in milk and beef production, l) animal welfare. Group work with basis in a practical situation. The students are given information about the current situation and new strategies for improved management should be suggested. In order to succeed analytical skills combined with a multidisciplinary approach must be used.

Learning outcome

Be able to analyze and propose solutions for relevant interdisciplinary issues related to feeding, housing, health, fertility, product quality and economy at herd level.

Be able to use feed planning tools such as 'OptiFôr' to optimize feeding in a given herd.

  • Lectures, group work with presentation with teacher present, problem-based learning and excursion.
  • HFX131, HFX132, HFX133, HFX201, HFA200, HFE200, HET201.
  • Oral exam (counts 60% of final grade), group work (counts 40%).

    Portfolio Grading: Letter grades
  • Oral exam with external examiner.
  • Group work with oral presentations and submission of an assignment is mandatory.

  • The course is given in Norwegian.