DYR209 Bachelor's thesis

Credits (ECTS):15

Course responsible:Nina Hammervoll

Teaching language:Norsk

Course frequency:Annually

Teaching and exam period:See semester schedule

About this course


To focus on a research project of choice. To develop further understanding of principles underpinning clinical veterinary science and veterinary nursing. To work independantly and develop writing skills within an area of choice and to further appreciate available research in the particular area.

Bachelor's thesis theme/content

The bachelor's project paper shall elucidate an area of specialisation within the subject animal nursing.

It must be clear what developments and research have been undertaken in the speciality area.

The research project will primarily be a scientific literature study performed within ethical norms of such studies.

In cases where it is an advantage and necessary for the usage of original data, students may use existing data from NMBU's vet school. This data may be clinical journal data from the vet school's electronic journal systems and-/or combined with clinical and pathological diagnostic results.

Learning outcome

Learning outcomes:

  • The students will be able to find scientific literature, know how scientific work is performed, have practice in understanding how random and systematical errors can influence the results of scientific work, and be able to present scientific work both written and verbally.
  • The student will be able to work on a research paper in a group, simultaneously taking responsibility for his/her own part. The student must show initiative and be responsible for the whole prosess and progression of the project with guidance from a tutor.
  • Through working on the research paper, the student will exhibit understanding and insight into the particular area of research.
  • The student shall be able to complete a systematic literature search.
  • The student shall be able to analyse and consider different scientific sources and apply these to argue a professional standpoint.
  • The student shal be able to complete a literature study under supervision in line with current ethical norms.
  • Teaching methods and approach:

    Approximately three students collaborate on the paper and formulate a plan for the work together with the supervisor. The students write the bachelor's thesis together under supervision. Each student's contribtuion must be made clear. The paper is presented as a 'defense' and in a group, but each student is examined individually.

  • DYR 210
  • Assessment

    The research paper must be submitted to the examiner no later than 6 weeks prior to the end of term.. No later than 2 weeks prior to the end of the semester the paper must be assessed and approved, the oral presentation completed and passed and uploaded to Brage/Wiseflow

    The assessment criteria are as follows:

    a. A precise and thorough topic formulation based on the fact that it is a general introduction to the area and with specific questions and/or hypotheses that are sought to be answered/ tested.

    b. A systematic collection of relevant literature/material and clear description of the degree to which todays research and knowledge are lacking or contradictory.

    c. A systematic collection of own observations/data.

    d. A clear and structured presentation of the material.

    e. A critical discussion of the material and results with presentation of relevant conclusions.

    f. A concise and scientific language.

    When the paper is submitted the date for the oral presentation is determined such that the final assessment is submitted to the studies admin dept no later than 2 weeks prior to the end of the semester. If the paper is not approved a new deadline for submission will be given and the same revised paper will be submitted.The student is given three attempts to pass the project paper.

    The students's tutor is responsible for arranging the presentation.. The presentation is usually public.

    The candidates shall give a short presentation of the paper for approval. This is public.

    If there is a database that the paper is based on, it is desirable that it be listed as an attachment to the paper, provided that formal or practical considerations (size) is not an obstacle to this.

    Grading: A-F

  • The tutor evaluates the paper for initial approval prior to sending it to an external examiner for assessment.

    At the presentations the institutes can choose to use 2 internal examiners where the project tutor is one. Alternatively the institute can choose to use an external examiner in addition to the tutor (internal examiner).

  • Regular meetings with supervisor. Prior to the autumn semester and the Block Dyr 210, the student must have had a meeting with their supervisor and determined the topic for the bachelor thesis.
  • Equipment Requirements:


    Size, shape and execution

    Size: 10000 words (+/- 10%) for 2 students, 15000 words (+/- 10% 3 students)

    It is the paper's quality and not size that forms the basis for evaluation .

    The students who work together shall hold a presentation together. Then they shall be examined indivdually and be evaluated individually.

    Durign the course DYR210, the students will make a protocoll for the research paper in accordance with the template provided during the course.. The paper mustbe written in accordance with the word-template submitted during the course.

    The students must contact their tutor and arrange meetingsi ample time so that the paper is of such a quality that it can be sent for evaluation within the deadline. Toghether with the paper, the students must submitt a written form stipulating the feedback desired.

    The research paper must be submitted in it's final form, to their supervisor, 6 weeks before the end of term at the very latest.

    The students must agree on the submission date. Exam diplomas will not be issued before the paper is approved.

    Criterias on how the supervisors will give feedback:

    Feedback is given on papers still under work and not the final copy.

    The feedback shall be brief.

    The feedback shall contain:

    - Strenghts / positive things that can be supportive, with concrete examples

    - Possbile weaknesses / challenges which can and should be corrected, with concrete examples.

    Copyright and other rights

    The institute has the right to utilise the research paper.. Any publication of results shall be in compliance with recognized international practice for publishing. If any disputes occur in connection with this,the board's appeals committee acts as an appellate.

  • B-DYR