THT291 Processes for Waste Resource Recovery in a Circular Bioeconomy

Credits (ECTS):5

Course responsible:Nazli Pelin Kocatürk Schumacher

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Engelsk

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:The nominal work load for a 5-credit course is 125 hours in total.

Teaching and exam period:This course starts in the spring parallel. This course has teaching/evaluation in the spring parallel.

About this course

This course provides the fundamental processes and technologies for valorization of organic wastes to energy and material products via biotechnological and physicochemical processes. Processes and concepts for resource recovery from wastes, recycling and reuse of waste and bioproducts are discussed towards the perspectives of circular economy.

Learning outcome

The students will gain an overview on the spectrum of processes available for resource recovery from organic waste and waste biorefineries. Students who successfully pass this course will gain knowledge and competence on the following subjects:

  • Principles and understanding of waste biorefinery concepts and organic waste treatment processes
  • Selection of suitable technologies for energy and material production from waste
  • Critical evaluations of organic wastes and sustainability within the circular economy

The course will focus on topics addressing SDG 6 , 7, 11, 12, 13.

  • Lectures. Exercises. Excursion.
  • The lecturers are available during office hours.
  • THT100
  • Campus based digital, written examination, 3 hours. Grading scale A - F.

    Written exam Grading: Letter grades Permitted aids: A1 No calculator, no other aids
  • The external and internal examiner jointly prepare the exam questions and the grading guide. The externalexaminer reviews the internal examiner's assessment of a random sample of candidates as a calibrationat certain intervals according to the faculty's guidelines for exam grading.
    • Compulsory attendance in the first two lecture hours at the start of the course.
    • One compulsory excursion to waste management facilities.
    • Compulsory submission of exercises.
  • An advanced course in resource recovery (THT340) that builds on THT291 is being planned for the academic year 2025/2026.
  • Lectures (ca. 26 hours, two hours per week) and one-day excursion (8 hours).
  • REALFAG (special requirements in science)