MAST303 Planning the Master Thesis - Property and Law

Credits (ECTS):5

Course responsible:Baard Steinar Taubøll

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk

Limits of class size:No limits

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:

  • Lectures: approx. 25hours
  • Individual study (incl. supervising): approx. 100 hours

Teaching and exam period:Course starts at spring parallel and continues in autumn parallel

About this course

The course provides introduction to important aspects of planning and writing the master's thesis within the study programs real estate (EIE) and real estate development (EUTV), including scientific requirements for a master's thesis and the connection between problem, theory and method choice. In addition, the course provides knowledge and skills in developing problems, searching for relevant literature, as well as advice on good work routines for completing the assignment. The goal of the course is to prepare a plan for the completion of the master's thesis. The course consists of two parts: Part 1 in the spring parallel with joint lectures and seminars (2.5 credits). Part 2 in the autumn parallel with theme seminars and group work differentiated according to academic themes and different scientific methods (2.5 credits) organized in collaboration between the master supervisors.

Learning outcome

  • Students will be able to identify and analyze what it means to plan and complete a master's thesis.
  • Students will understand how to conduct their own independent research work aimed at a master's thesis.
  • Students will understand the importance of academic work in real estate related subjects. Students will gain skills in developing researchable issues within a real estate context.
  • Students should be able to evaluate ethical issues related to their own academic work on the master's thesis.
  • Lectures, seminars, group discussion, written practical assignment and self-study
  • Attendence to master program
  • Submission of the final project plan - passed/ not passed

    Term paper Grading: Passed / Not Passed
  • Superviser for master thesis approves the project plan and participation in mandatory activity.
  • Submission of a draft project plan, presentation of the project plan at seminar.
  • It is possible to attend lectures in early stage of study program, but students will get credits for the course only after treirs project plan would be approved by superviser.
  • Lectures and seminars: approx. 25 hours
  • M-EIE, M-EUTV (-DEL)
  • The course may have overlap with some other method courses. This will not result in reduction of study points for course or in the possibility to approve the course.
  • Minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway (generell studiekompetanse)