AOS237 Business Strategy

Credits (ECTS):10

Course responsible:Silja Marianna Korhonen-Sande

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk

Limits of class size:110

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:250 hours.

Teaching and exam period:This course starts in Autumn parallel. This course has teaching/evaluation in Autumn parallel.

About this course

The central themes in this course are strategic planning and strategic decision making, internal and external analysis, formulation and communication of business strategy, and strategy implementation. The course puts emphasis on understanding strategy in different contexts (types of organizations and industries) and development of sustainable strategy.

Learning outcome

Knowledge goals: After this course, the student has knowledge of

  • the key concepts in strategy
  • the key models and tools to analyze the external and internal environment of an organization
  • research-based decision criteria to make relevant choices in strategy formulation and implementation
  • the importance of strategic thinking in the different areas of the society
  • how the development towards sustainable society influences strategy and strategy work

Competence goals

After this course, the student is able to formulate and solve strategic problems both alone and as a part of a group. The students learn to apply the key strategy models and concepts in order to

  • Find and analyze relevant information of the organization's external and internal environment
  • Formulate and choose between appropriate strategic alternatives based on this analysis
  • Present the solutions
  • Integrate sustainability into strategy
  • The students are encouraged to acquaint themselves with the theory and case material before each lecture in order to participate in discussions and exercises in the classroom. The students apply the theories on cases at class during the lectures and in the mandatory assignments. The course is divided into three modules - two of the modules have campus-based teaching and one of the modules has hybrid teaching.
  • The students will receive feedback in connection with the lectures and assignments.
  • Combined assessment: Term paper in groups (20% of the final grade),Written individual exam (3,5 hrs, 80% of the final grade) in the exam period. Both term paper and written exam must be passed during the same semester. Both term paper and written exam need to be passed to pass this course. There will be no re-take exam in this course. The students who do not pass need to take all parts of the examination next time the course is organized.

    One written exam Grading: Letter grades Permitted aids: A1 No calculator, no other aids Term assignment Grading: Letter grades
  • An external examiner will assess the questions for the exam, and principles for evaluation.
  • Two mandatory assignments (one in groups, one individual) that are graded passed/ failed and must be passed before the student can participate in the final exam. Passing these assignments may require presence in the class room (presentations/seminars) in addition to written assignments. Information about the mandatory assignments will be given in the beginning of the course. The mandatory activities are valid only for one semester. Participation in group work is mandatory to pass this course. The groups are formed in the beginning of the course when the number of participants in known. Practical information concerning group work and group formation will be given in the beginning of the course including information about the deadlines for group formation.
  • The course is tailor-made for the 2nd and 3rd year students in B-ØA and 3rd year students in B-ØLIT, but it is also open for the students from other faculties.
  • 3-4 hours lectures, supervision and seminars per week. In addition group work related to mandatory activities and term paper.
  • 7,5 ECTS overlap with AOS238-B.
  • The course is reserved for students on the following study programme: Bachelor in Business Administration, bachelor in Business Administration with Informatics, bachelor in Economics and Master in Bioeconomy - Biobased Value Creation and Business Development.