SDG201 Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Plant- and Animal Productions

Credits (ECTS):5

Course responsible:Laila Aass, Bente Aspeholen Åby

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk

Course frequency:Annually. Given at a minimum of 10 students.

Nominal workload:

125 hours

Lecures: 26 hours

Self-effort: 99 hours

Teaching and exam period:Autumn parallel

About this course

The course gives thorough knowledge on net greenhouse gas emissions and their influence on radiation balance og climate. The students will get an overview over, and magnitude of, emission sources from productions systems for plant and animals and potential mitigation options. The topic will give a basic introduction into different methodologies to estimate greenhouse gas emissions, including the national emission inventory and whole farm models. The students will be introduced to national agreements to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, white papers, Klimakur 2030, Climate Smart Agriculture and the Climate plan for Norwegian agriculture. The students will be given an introduction into different greenhouse gas metrics.

Learning outcome

Knowledge: The students are to get

  • broad knowledge about greenhouse gas emissions and their influence on climate
  • broad knowledge about emission sources from agriculture and possible mitigation options
  • basic knowledge of methodologies to estimate greenhouse gas emissions, including opportunities and limitations
  • knowledge of climate agreements, the climate plan for Norwegian agriculture and Climate Smart Agriculture
  • knowledge of greenhouse gas metrics

SKILLS: the students are to

  • render and explain the principles of how greenhouse gases influences climate
  • describe the principles and methodology of national emission inventories and whole farm models
  • clarify potential mitigation options for agriculture

GENERAL COMPETENCE. Students are to be equipped to

  • understand and participate in the public debate related to greenhouse gas emissions from plant- and animal production in relevant forums
  • Lectures, exercises, group work and writing of individual term paper..
  • HFX131 / PJH102, HFX133
  • Written exam, 3 hours A-F

    Written exam Grading: Letter grades Permitted aids: A1 No calculator, no other aids
  • External sensor.
  • Oblig 1- group work, oblig 2- individual term paper.
  • Lectures: 24 hours

    Group work: 2 hours