DYR210 Research Methodology, Statistics and Scientific Writing

Credits (ECTS):5

Course responsible:Ingrid Toftaker

Teaching language:Norsk

Course frequency:Annually, 3 weeks

Nominal workload:

One ECTS is based on 30 hours of student work. The course corresponds to a total of 150 hours work.

  • Lectures (35 hours)
  • Follow-up of lectures (20 hours)
  • Work on assignments and group discussions (40 hours)
  • Work with the bachelor thesis (35 hours)
  • Prepare for course test (20 hours)

Teaching and exam period:See semester schedule

About this course


The course will contain teaching activities in practical and scientific methods to help the students start the writing of their bachelor thesis, and facilitate acquirement of the skills needed to carry out a bachelor-project in animal nursing at the NMBU Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.


  • Scientific authorship: principles and practical assignments.
  • Scientific method: study design and planning of scientific studies, with special emphazisis on systematic litterature reviews. Critical appraisal of scientific articles.
  • Scientific literature: literature search and use of reference tools. Introduction to evidence based veterinary medicine
  • Epidemiology: Main sources of bias. Measures of association and disease frequency.
  • Statistics: Principles for descriptive statistics and basic statistical analysis

Learning outcome

After completing the course, the student should:

Have sufficient knowledge of scientific methods in order to be able to complete a bachelor in animal nursing at NMBU Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Acquire a basic understanding of scientific research, and be able to:

  • Make an outline (Word-file) of the bachelor thesis based on a standard template
  • Be able to explain the main types of study design, with knowledge of litterature reviews in particular
  • Knowledge on how to use descriptive statistics and be able to interpret results form simple statistical analysis
  • Be able to use reference tools for creating citations and bibliography
  • Understand the importance of critical reading of scientific articles
  • Know the most common sources of bias
  • Know common measures of disease frequency and measures of association used in epidemiology

DYR210 will help the students acquire the skills and knowledge described in the following ACOVENE Competences from ACOVENEs Dossier of European Competences for the Veterinary Nurse :

  • EC 2 Developing personal performance and maintaining working relationships
  • Lectures, quiz, discussions and excercises.

    Start drafting the Bachelor thesis.

  • None
  • Exam:

    • Submission of a draft for the bachelor thesis.
    • If the assignment is graded as fail the student will receive feedback and be asked to revise the assignment and resubmit. Information regarding the assessment criteria can be found on Canvas.
    • Grading: pass/fail

    For the course to be approved, the student must also pass the course test on the last day of the course.

    Assignment Grading: Passed / Not Passed
  • A sensor is part of the quality assurance system for the mandatory assignement
    • Presence at lectures and group work is voluntary.
    • Th course test on the last day of the course is mandatory, and must be graded with a pass in order to pass the course.
  • Required equipment:

    • Students are asked to bring their own laptop
  • Details are found on Canvas
  • B-DYR