DYR208 Professional Ethics

Credits (ECTS):2

Course responsible:Heidi Rasch Johnsen

Teaching language:Norsk

Course frequency:Yearly, 1 week

Teaching and exam period:This course starts in Spring semester. This course has teaching/evaluation in Spring semester

About this course


To prepare the student for the ethical dilemmas they will meet as a professional practitioner and enable the student to act and behave ethically in a prfoessional capacity.

To raise the students' awareness on their ethical responsibility in line with animal health legislation.

Learning outcome

After the end of teaching the students shall:

  • Understand what it entails to be a professional practitioner. Have knowledge of the legal responsibilities veterinary nurses act under and are expected to manage as animal health personell.Knowledge of the common set of ethical professional values which form a basis for the profession.
  • Being able to apply the profession`s ethical guidelines in reflecting in and on practice.
  • Have an ethical awareness and be able to develop ethical judgement which the student could benefit in practice of his/hers profession.
  • Use the tools they can use to reflect in concrete situations and reflect in practice and not only reflect around/after practice.
  • Have knowledge of different professional career paths and the common ethical dilemmas that arise in different professional capacities..
  • Understand and reflect around ethical issues which occur during close cooperation with vets.
  • Have an understanding of the laws and the veterinary nurses' juridical responsibility in their profession.
  • Teaching methods and approach

    Interactive lessons and casebased groupwork

  • Clinical practice.
  • Oral exam.


    Oral exam Grading: Passed / Not Passed Permitted aids: A1 No calculator, no other aids
  • Internal and external sensor oral exam.
  • Mandatory education and study requirements:

    The lectures are mandatory and requires active participation.

    With valid absence over 10% the student will have to present a written reflection paper within the theme(s).

  • Equipment Requirements


  • B-DYR
  • Admitted to the bachelor's degree i Veterinary Nursing