17 Mar - PhD Defence Runa Rørtveit (BasAm)

Av Kari Elise Moxnes

PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence
Runa Rørtveit, Department of Basic Sciences and Aquatic Medicine, will defend her PhD thesis: Canine Collagen type III Glomerulopathy, on 17.03.2015.

Norwegian title of thesis:

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture:
Hereditary renal diseases in dogs and cats

Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence:
Tuesday 17 March, Festsalen, Campus Adamstuen, Ullevålsveien 72, Oslo
09:15 – Trial Lecture
11:15 – Disputation

Associate Professor Johan Høgset Jansen, NMBU (Main supervisor) 
Professor Frode Lingaas, NMBU (Co-supervisor)

Evaluation committee:
First opponent: Professor Kinji Shirota, Azabu University, Japan
Second opponent: Professor Asger Lundorff Jensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Coordinator: Associate Professor Cathrine Trangerud, NMBU

Disputation leader:
Mona Aleksandersen, Head of the Department of Basic Sciences and Aquatic Medicine

The doctoral thesis is available for public review at the NMBU library, Campus Adamstuen.

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