M30-IES Master's Thesis

Credits (ECTS):30

Course responsible:Guri Bang

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Engelsk

Course frequency:Each semester

Nominal workload:750 hours for a 30 ECTS master thesis.

Teaching and exam period:Spring and autumn

About this course

Master students are required to write a thesis on a topic within the field of International Environment Studies. Students can choose among a broad range of themes, research methods and theoretical approaches within natural- and social science. The master thesis is based on independent research conducted by the candidate with guidance from the supervisor. The research process includes central elements like defining the research problem and research objectives; formulating research questions or hypotheses; designing a theoretical framework; and choosing and applying a suitable research design and appropriate research methods. The research must include independent collection and analysis of research material, which may be obtained through field research or other methods. The student is supervised in developing a research proposal.

The 30 ECTS master thesis corresponds to one full semester’s work and is normally written in the last semester of the second study year.

Learning outcome

The master thesis at NMBU must reflect understanding, reflection, maturity and analytic capability. The thesis research must provide training in the ability to identify research problems in an academic field within the study programme; analysing and treating these problems in a scientific manner; as well as producing a scientific publication on the topic.

The master thesis in International Environmental Studies provides students with experience and competence in independently applying theory and research methods, and in constructing research-based knowledge about themes and problems within International Environmental Studies.

Through the master thesis research, students are expected to gain and deepen their knowledge, skills and competence in International Environmental Studies:


  • In-depth knowledge about theoretical approaches and research methods in International Environmental Studies and their strengths and weaknesses in relation to empirical problems and contexts.
  • Advanced interdisciplinary knowledge and understanding of the chosen thesis topics within its environmental and socio-political contexts.
  • Contribute to knowledge and the academic debate within the chosen specialization.
  • Thorough understanding of the ways research-based knowledge is created, shared, and used in international environmental studies.
  • Advanced understanding of the relationship between social and natural processes, and how governance and economic structures influence the environment.


  • Plan, conduct and communicate research in accordance with academic standards in the field.
  • Design a research project, including formulating a research problem, choosing appropriate theoretical and methodological approaches, accounting for and justifying the choices.
  • Conduct independent empirical research through field research or other methods appropriate to the research problem.
  • Master concepts and theory in the chosen field.
  • Demonstrate good judgement and adherence to research ethical standards in searching, evaluating, and using sources of information.
  • Evaluate evidence in relation to research goals, questions, and theoretical perspectives.
  • Apply critical perspectives and ethical judgement in relation to a topic in international environmental studies.
  • Craft a research publication in accordance with academic standards.

General competence:

  • Create research-based knowledge and answers to problems by using academic perspectives and methods in International Environmental Studies.
  • Plan, design and implement independent and innovative research in International Environmental Studies.
  • Engage in constructive, empathic and responsible interaction with diverse actors in the research process.
  • Engage in research and development practice with awareness and good judgement of ethical challenges and standards.
  • Reflect critically on the choices, process and results of research.
  • Apply knowledge to practical, social and political challenges related to environmental challenges.
  • Communicate research problems, analyses and conclusions to other scholars and the public.
  • Writing a master thesis is a comprehensive process involving diverse forms of academic, practical, social and embodied learning. Students should expect to spend a full semester on a 30 ECTS thesis .

    Reflecting on interests and potential topics early

    At the start of the study programme, students are encouraged to think about potential research topics by exploring their interests and goals for the master thesis. The introduction course in the International Environmental Studies programme includes training in preparing a research proposal.

    Identifying a thesis topic

    In the second semester, the student must attend in person an information meeting in which supervisors and potential thesis topics are presented.

    Suggesting a research topic and approach

    Students suggest a topic for their master thesis. This is to be submitted electronically in the second semester. Based on the proposed topic the Department will propose a supervisor.

    Writing a research proposal

    Writing a research proposal with academic supervision is an integral part of the thesis process. The dialogue with the supervisor should begin within two weeks after a supervisor has been allocated. Student and supervisor agree on a plan for the design of a research proposal before the end of the second semester of the first year. After the research proposal has been completed and approved by the supervisor, the student and supervisor sign a master thesis contract. Students must submit the research proposal and contract to the study administration with a copy to the supervisor within the dates indicated below:

    Regarding a thesis to be submitted by 15 May:

    • Research Proposal and Contract for a 30 ECTS thesis: 15 October in the year prior

    Regarding a thesis to be submitted by 15 December:

    • Research Proposal and Contract for a 30 ECTS thesis: 15 May in the same year

    If it is necessary to get an extension, the application must be justified and directed to the Programme Leader, with copies to the supervisor and study coordinator for the programme.

    Conducting research

    Students should start working with the thesis as soon as possible after the thesis proposal has been approved and the contract signed. Students conduct an independent research project, collecting and analysing research material through field research or other methods. Students who are to conduct field research must have an approved research proposal signed contract before leaving for the field.

    Research must be in accordance with the NMBU Guidelines for Research Data Management (link). For theses involving field research, ethical clearances and other necessary preparations should be completed as soon as possible following the approval of the research proposal.


    Students must allow sufficient time for a good writing process. During the writing of the master thesis, students are encouraged to consult and use the resources available at the NMBU Writing Centre. Students are expected to share drafts of chapters and sections with the supervisor(s) early in the writing process. It is advisable to have a complete draft of the thesis at least two weeks before the date of submission.

  • Students will receive supervision during the master thesis research. The main supervisor will be a member of the academic staff at the department. It is possible to have a co-supervisor from another department at NMBU or another organisation, subject to the approval by the department. In such cases, the hours allocated for supervision will be divided between the supervisors.

    Students writing a 30 ECTS thesis are entitled to a minimum of 40 hours of supervision.

    Supervisors are obliged to give academic and methodological guidance and feedback to students at all stages of their master thesis research. The student has a responsibility for maintaining contact with the supervisor. Students must consider that supervisors need time to respond to requests for advice during all stages of the research process, such as proposal development, empirical research, and the drafting and completion of the thesis.

    A portal in Canvas provides additional information and guidance on the of process of researching and writing the master thesis.

  • M-IES students who have completed the first study year, including mandatory courses, may register for the IES Master Thesis.
  • The student will give a 20-25 minute presentation of the thesis research and answer questions raised by the examiners, starting with the external examiner. The oral discussion may be held in person or virtually.

    The thesis will be evaluated in accordance with the NMBU Academic Guidelines and the Written Guidelines for IES Master Thesis Examiners.

    The thesis and an oral presentation and discussion count 100% of the grade.

    The grade is announced to the candidate after the oral presentation and discussion are over.

    Letter grades: A-F

    Master thesis with oral defence Grading: Letter grades Master thesis Grading: Letter grades
  • The examination committee comprises one internal and one external examiner. The internal examiner may be the supervisor. Examiner guidelines are available in Canvas.

    The thesis will be evaluated in accordance with the NMBU Academic Guidelines and the Written Guidelines for IES Master Thesis Examiners.

    The thesis and an oral presentation and discussion count 100% of the grade.

    The grade is announced to the candidate after the oral presentation and discussion are over.

  • Participation in information meetings about the master thesis. Prepare and submit research proposal in time. Completion and submission of the master thesis in time.

    The master thesis must be clearly structured, written in English, and follow appropriate academic standards.

    The thesis must account for all use of sources in accordance with NMBU requirements and academic standards.

    The 30 ECTS master thesis must be a minimum of 15000 words and a maximum 30000 words. The word limit refers to the body text from the beginning of the Introduction to the end of the Conclusion, including any foot- or endnotes but not including the Table of Contents nor the list of References.

    Students may choose to write a 30 ECTS master thesis in the format of a journal article. The article must be a maximum of 10000 words. The word limit refers to the body text from the beginning of the Introduction to the end of the Conclusion, including any foot- or endnotes. Apart from the maximum length, the article should follow the formatting requirements of an identified journal. The supervisor must assist the student in identifying an appropriate journal.

    During the final stage of preparing the master thesis, students must maintain frequent and good communication with the supervisor(s) to get feed-back on the draft.

    Submit the thesis in in NMBU’s digital portal.

    Master theses are subject to a plagiarism check.

  • M-IES