Ellen Stenslie

Ellen Stenslie

  • Institutt for internasjonale miljø- og utviklingsstudier, Noragric

Ellen Stenslie is a PhD Candidate working within the field of environmental social enterprises and sustainability entrepreneurship. Her interdisciplinary research focuses on building institutions for a sustainable, post-growth economy, in particular green enterprises, and investigates how innovative entrepreneurs build enterprises with environmental purpose at its core. Her fields of study include sustainable business models, entrepreneurship, institutional economics, corporate legal structures and the political economy of environmental governance.

Stenslie has a M.Sc. in International Environmental Governance and further studies within business management, organisational psychology and political science. She has previously researched carbon finance, environmental governance and policy, including forestry (REDD) and Payments for Ecosystem Services. She has previously worked internationally with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), forest policy and carbon markets, and served on the Board of the European Society for Ecological Economics.

Ellen Stenslie takes a particular interest in building sustainable economic institutions through social and environmental innovation in the post-growth economy.

She is currently a visiting researcher with The Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP) in the UK, working within the alternative enterprise stream.


    • Sustainability entrepreneurship
    • Social entrepreneurship
    • Sustainable business models
    • Institutional economics
    • Environmental governance
  • Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)

    1Stenslie, Ellen.
    Chameleons by Law: An Institutional Inquiry into the Community Interest Company. ISIRC 2018 »Bridging Social and Business Innovation«; 2018-09-02 - 2018-09-05
    2Stenslie, Ellen.
    Cleaning up the Economy: The Business Models of Environmental Social Enterprises. NEON 2018: Innovasjon i organisasjoner – utfordringer og muligheter; 2018-11-21 - 2018-11-22
    3Stenslie, Ellen.
    How Environmental Social Enterprises Create Institutional Change Towards Sustainable Business. Well-being and Equity within Planetary Boundaries; 2014-08-12 - 2014-08-15
    4Vatn, Arild; Barton, David Nicholas; Porras, Ina; Rusch, Graciela; Stenslie, Ellen.
    Payments for Nature Values. Market and Non-market Instruments. Oslo: Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) 2014 (ISBN 978-82-7548-730-6) 88 s. Norad Report(5/2014)
    5Vatn, Arild; Barton, David Nicholas; Stenslie, Ellen.
    Efficiency, Opportunities and Challenges of Market and Non-market based Instruments for Managing Ecosystem Services. Second Dialogue seminar on Scaling up biodiversity finance; 2014-04-09 - 2014-04-12
    6Vatn, Arild; Vedeld, Pål; Petursson, Jon Geir; Stenslie, Ellen.
    THE REDD DIRECTION - the potential for reduced forest carbon emissions, biodiversity protection and enhanced development. A desk study with special focus on Tanzania and Uganda. Ås: Noragric, UMB 2009 127 s. (51)
  • Course responsible: EDS348 The Politics and Governance of the Environment, autumn 2014.

  • Forskningsprosjekter med nettside utenfor NMBU