Teshome Hunduma Mulesa

Teshome Hunduma Mulesa


  • Institutt for internasjonale miljø- og utviklingsstudier, Noragric

Teshome Hunduma is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of International Environment and Development Studies (Noragric). Teshome’s research focuses on the governance of crop diversity and seed systems for improving smallholder farmers’ seed security in the Global South. His current research project looks at how farmers can readily access crop diversity by developing models for strengthening the connection between genebanks and national seed systems. Before joining Noragric, Teshome worked as an advisor at the Development Fund of Norway, where he coordinated the organization's agricultural biodiversity policy and program support in Asia and Africa. In Ethiopia, Teshome worked for Haramaya University, a pioneer agricultural university, and the national genebank of the Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute.