24 October 2014 - Disputation Guro Løkka (BasAm)

Av Mona Bye

Guro Løkka, Dept of Basic Sciences and Aquatic Medicine (BasAm), will defend her PhD thesis “From morphology to function: Intestinal studies of wild and reared Atlantic salmon” on 24.10.2014.

Trial lecture:
“Potential impacts of dietary changes on systemic and mucosal immune function; practical implications for vaccination programs in the salmon industry”

Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence:
October 24,Festsalen, Campus Adamstuen
9:15 Trial lecture
11:15 Defence

Professor Erling Olaf Koppang (NMBU)
Dr. Lars Austbø (NMBU)
Dr. Knut Falk, (Veterinærinstituttet)

Evaluation committee:
Professor Francesco Abbate – University of Messina (Messina, Italia)
Professor Kenneth Cain – University of Idaho (Idaho – USA)
Professor Anne Storset (NMBU) 

The doctoral thesis is available for public review at the NMBU library.

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