14 November 2014 PhD Defence Paulo Jorge de Almeida Borges (INA)

Av Mona Bye

PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence 
Paulo Jorge de Almeida Borges, Dept. of Ecology and Natural Resource Management will defend his PhD thesis ”Improved models and methods for solving temporal and spatial harvest activities in forest planning” on November 14, 2014

Norwegian title:
Forbedrede modeller og metoder for romlig allokering av hogster i langsiktig skogplanlegging.

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture:
A Survey of Spatial Constraints in Landscape Planning.

Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence:
Friday November 14, 2014, kl. 12.15 Auditoriet, Sørhellinga – SU105

Prof. Tron Eid, Dept. of Ecology and Natural Resource Management, NMBU
Dr. Even Bergseng, Dept. of Ecology and Natural Resource Management, NMBU
Prof. Terje Gobakken, Dept. of Ecology and Natural Resource Management, NMBU

Evaluation committee:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Karin Öhman, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
Prof. John Sessions, Oregon State University, USA
Dr. Hanne Katrine Sjølie, INA (Committee administrator)

The doctoral thesis is available for public review at the NMBU library.

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