10. oktober 2014 - Disputation Christin M. Ormhaug, Noragric

Av Jens Kristian Rostad

Christin M. Ormhaug at the Department of International Environment and Development Studies will defend her PhD thesis Effects of civil war on maternal and child health care in sub-Saharan Africa on 10.10.2014.

Norwegian title:
Effekten av borgerkrig på mor-og barnhelsetjenester i Afrika sør for Sahara

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture: "What are the main methodological challenges in monitoring child health in conflict areas, and how these challenges should be addressed in the context of the Post 2015 Agenda"

Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence:
Trial lecture 12:15 – 13:00
Public defence: 13:15 – ca 15:30

Prof. Espen Sjaastad, Noragric (main supervisor)
Dr. Ingrid Nyborg, Noragric (co-supervisor)
Dr. Henrik Urdal, NUPI (co-supervisor)
Dr. Håvard Hegre, PRIO (co-supervisor)

Evaluation comitee:
Dr. Leben Nelson Moro, University of Juba, South Sudan
Dr. Anne Hatløy, Institute of Aplied International Studies, FAFO
Dr. Stig Jarle Hansen, Noragric

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