Seminar: Saving Behavior across the Wealth Distribution

Av Annette Alstadsæter

Martin Blomhoff Holm
Martin Blomhoff HolmFoto: UiO

Forskningsseminar ved Handelshøyskolen - NMBU onsdag 29.mai kl 12.15 ved Martin Blomhoff Holm, UiO

Onsdag 29.mai kl 12.15 - 13v00, rom T452: Forskningsseminar ved Martin Blomhoff Holm, UiO.

"Martin Blomhoff Holm is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Oslo. His research focuses on the impacts of distributions on macroeconomic policy transmission.

Holm presenterer paperet Saving Behavior across the Wealth Distributionsom er eit felles arbeid med Andreas Fagereng, Benjamin Moll og Gisle Natvik. 


Do wealthier households save a larger share of their incomes than poorer ones? We use Norwegian administrative panel data on income and wealth to examine how saving rates vary across the wealth distribution. We compare our findings to the prediction of workhorse macro models that saving rates are either independent of or decreasing with wealth. We  find that the relation between saving rates and wealth depends on whether saving includes capital gains. Saving rates net of capital gains ("net saving rates") are approximately constant across the wealth distribution, seemingly consistent with workhorse models. However, saving rates including capital gains ("gross saving rates") increase markedly with wealth. Since the predictions of economic theories are about gross saving, our findings challenge workhorse models with approximately constant saving rates. In contrast, our empirical findings are consistent with a theory featuring multiple assets and portfolio adjustment frictions.

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