18 September 2014 - Disputas Elise Wiken Dees (IMT)

Av Mona Bye

PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defense
Elise W. Dees, Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology, will defend her PhD thesis:
”The relationship between cone-photoreceptor structure and visual sensitivity to chromatic and spatial patterns” on 18.09.2014

Norwegian title of the thesis:
Sammenhengen mellom tappefordeling og -tetthet og kontrast- og kromatisk sensitivitet for mønstre med lave spatiale frekvenser

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture
Beyond Photoreception: Visual Processing from Retina to Cortex

Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defense:
Thursday, 18.09.2014, at Vitenparken, Fredrik A. Dahlsv. 8, 1430 Ås
10.45 Trial lecture
11.30 Lunch break
13.15 Presentation of thesis work by the candidate
13.45 Defense commences

Prof. Gaute Einevoll, IMT, NMBU
Prof. Rigmor C. Buraas, HBV
Assoc. Prof. Per O. Lundmark, HBV
Assoc. Prof. Stuart J. Gilson, HBV

Evaluation committee:
Dr. Gabriele Jordan, Senior Lecturer, Newcastle University
Prof. Jan Kremers, University Hospital Erlangen-Nürnberg
Assoc. Prof. Hanne-Mari Schiøtz Thorud, HBV
Assoc. Prof. Hans Ekkehard Plesser, IMT, NMBU

The doctoral thesis is available for public review at the NMBU library.
Thesis number 2014: 80, ISSN 1864-6402, ISBN 978-82-575-1239-2

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