Disputas - Roy Van Rea

Av Mona Bye

Norwegian title of the thesis:
Elgens vinterbeite og beitemønster etter manuell fjerning av lauvoppslag

English title of the thesis:
Effects of brush cutting on hardwood production and moose winter foraging

Trial lectures:
Chosen subject: Moose Vehicle Collisions: Worldwide Patterns and Causes?
Specified subject: Optimal foraging theory as a tool to understand diet selection in large ungulates   

Time and place:
May 13, 2014, at Auditoriet, Vitenparken
Chosen subject: 10.15
Specified subject: 12.15
Public defence:13.15

Evaluation committee:
Professor Lars Edenius, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Professor Juhani Pekka Niemelä, University of Torku, Finland
Professor Jon Swenson, INA, NMBU

The doctoral thesis is available for public review at the UMB library.

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