Disputas - Jason Miklian (Noragric)

Av Mona Bye

PhD Degree -Trial Lecture and Public Defence
Jason Miklian, Department of International Environment and Development Studies, will defend his thesis "Mining, Displacement and Conflict in Maoist India" on 27 June 2014


Prescribed subject of the trial lecture: "Large-scale land acquisitions, displacement and conflict – the Indian mining industry in a global perspective"

Trial lecture and public defence:
Friday 27 June at the Auditorim at Bioforsk
12:15 Trial lecture
13:00 Public defence

Dr. Stig Jarle Hansen (Noragric)
Dr. Darley Kjosavik (Noragric)
Dr. Åshild Kolås (PRIO)
Dr. Priyankar Upadhyaya (Beneras Hindi University, India)

Evaluation committee
Dr. Dibyesh Anand, Department of Politics and IR, University of Westminister, UK
Prof. Stephen Cohen, Bookings, Washington, DC
Prof. Nadarajah Shanmugaratnam, Noragric, Norwegian University of Life Sciences

The thesis is avaliable at the NMBU library

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